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Muscle nodules and fertility problems

We help you all the way – from examination to treatment

If you have muscle nodules, this may affect your chances of getting pregnant. Contact us for a preliminary consultation with our fertility specialists, who can plan the optimal fertility treatment for you.

Counseling Session

What are muscle nodules?

 Muscle nodules (fibromas) are connective tissue nodes formed in the muscle tissue of the cervical wall. The muscle nodules are most often located inside the musculature of the uterus or on the surface. However, they may also grow into the uterine cavity on a stalk. There are cases in which the muscle nodule extends right out into the cervix. In rare cases, they may also be located on the ovaries.


Symptoms of muscle nodules

Muscle nodules do not always produce discomfort or symptoms. Muscle nodules may produce various symptoms depending on their size and location. Symptoms may include:

  • Severe or irregular menstruations, often accompanied by pain
  • An oppressive sensation in the abdomen
  • Pain or discomfort in connection with intercourse
  • Bladder dysfunction if the muscle nodule presses against the urinary bladder
  • Abdominal pain

If you have a muscle nodule, this may affect your fertility depending on where it is located, and there may be a need to remove it.


Get rapid treatment with Aleris’s gynaecologists

If our fertility specialists assess that there is a need to remove a muscle nodule to optimise your chances of getting pregnant, Aleris Hospitaler has some of the best specialists in gynaecology who are specialised in gentle telescopic operations.

This means that you can remain in your familiar secure settings. Our physicians are in close dialogue with each other to ensure that you are provided with optimal treatment throughout the course.

Read more about our gynaecologists

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