Legislation on fertility treatment


Legislation on fertility treatment

We provide you with an overview

The liberal fertility treatment legislation in Denmark allows Aleris Fertility to offer foreign single women and couples optimal fertility treatment. We have gathered the essential guidelines you should know about here. You are also welcome to book a preliminary consultation with our specialists, who can advise you on your fertility treatment options.

The legs of a toddler in a high chair at the table

General rules on fertility treatment

In the public health service

  • Fertility treatment is available until the woman turns 41
  • 3-6 inseminations and max. 3 IVF treatments
  • If there are frozen, fertilised eggs, these may be used until the woman turns 46.
  • Fertility treatment is only offered in connection with the woman’s first child (however, transfer to the uterus of any frozen eggs for a second child is offered)
  • Fertility treatment is not offered to couples with joint children or adopted children at home

At Aleris Fertility

  • We offer fertility treatment until the woman turns 46
  • We offer fertility treatment with thawed, fertilised eggs until the woman turns 46
  • We also offer fertility treatment if you already have a child or children
  • The legislation does not permit treatment for childlessness for closely related couples, for example cousins.

See legislation at the Danish Patient Safety Authority


Se lovgivning hos Styrelsen for Patientsikkerhed

Learn more about the legislation


Egg and sperm donation

Get an overview of the rules on egg donation and sperm donation.

Freezing of fertilised eggs

What you should know if you are considering freezing fertilised eggs.
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